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Centered Birth

Journey into motherhood with confidence


Meet Rachel Pryor

Birth Doula 

Servicing Winston Salem, Greensboro, and surrounding areas

Pregnancy and birth are wonderful, mysterious, uncomfortable, and sometimes completely overwhelming. It can feel daunting to navigate uncharted territory where so much seems at stake. I remember feeling as if I needed an extra college degree just to make all the decisions required of me in pregnancy and early parenthood.

Your body is wonderfully capable of birth! This belief motivates my approach as a doula. My approach in practice is physiology first, specializing in the biomechanics of birth and pregnancy. I offer personalized movement plans through your pregnancy when appropriate. If desired, I will guide you through optimal maternal/fetal positioning during labor. It is my passion for families to  receive true informed consent in the birthing room; it is my goal for you to be affirmed and supported in your choices during labor. You know your body, and you know your baby better than anyone else.​ If complications arise or interventions are needed, we will step through these together, each in their course.

Let me walk with you through this incredible season of life! I promise to point you towards credible, evidence-based information. More importantly, I promise to point you back to you—towards your center—and encourage your intuition. I desire to invest in you, in your quality of life throughout your childbearing year. 

Philosophy of Labor in a Nutshell: Physiology First; Informed consent; Maternal Responsibility/Ownership; Centered Holistic Care,

Training:Professionally Trained birth doula with ToLabor; Spinning Babies Workshop;Body Ready Method ( In the process of certifying as a Body Ready Method Pro)

Meet Amelia
Why Naturopathy

Why Hire a Birth Doula?

A support system centered on you

Prenatal Portrait

Informational Support-Center your mind

Evidence Based information and resources at your disposal. Benefit from a doula’s wealth of experience, research, and training to provide you with credible resources that often inform and support your intuition.

Emotional Support- Center your emotions

Along your path to parenthood, a doula reminds you that you are strong, capable, and not alone. Allow me to speak encouragement, affirmation, and truth to you about you. However, I do not and can not replace partners! Instead, a doula works to center you and your partner as a birthing team. You made this baby together and you will have this baby together!

Physical Support- Center your body

During birth a doula provides many measures of physical comfort. Counterpressure, massage, and labor positioning are often employed. In addition to the “hands-on” aspect of care for the mother, I also provide practical, “hands-off” support for both mother and partner. This includes ensuring nourishment through food and rest as often as possible throughout the hours of labor.

A more Centered Birth Experience

Studies have shown that women with constant labor support have given birth with decreased numbers of interventions. While nurses, obstetricians, and midwives all typically change from shift to shift, a doula does not. With the support of a doula, women are more likely to give birth vaginally without use of forceps or vacuum, experience shorter labors, and are less likely to receive pain medication or unnecessary cesareans.

Advocacy- Center your voice

A doula ensures your voice is heard in the birth room. I always seek to empower women to voice their desires for their births, to ask questions, and to require full informed consent from their care providers. 


Coming Soon...



Prenatal Portrait

Prenatal Support

Holding the Belly

Labor and Birth Support

Proud Father

Postpartum Support


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